
A new Cookie Law (known as GPRS) is being enforced as part of expanded privacy legislation that requires website publishers to obtain informed consent from visitors before they can store or retrieve any information on a computer or any other web connected device. Cookies are simply small files that the majority of websites use to remember visitors to it and are typically stored in the visitor's web browser in order that the site remembers them should they re-visit at a later date or should they move through the site page by page. They are designed to make the users visit easier such as storing your profile information, remembering text size or automatically logging in your username and password if you choose to do so on your next visit.

It is the use of tracking cookies in particular that the EU is focusing attentions on, by raising awareness of the new law. By requiring websites to inform and obtain explicit consent for cookies it aims to give web users more control over their online privacy.

Failing to comply with the new law, or being able to provide clear proof of your plans to become compliant, risks asignificant fine.

How To Comply

Under the UK Regulations you will need to provide information on how you use cookies on your website. Therefore if your website uses cookies, you must:

-include a link to your privacy policy on all pages;
-explain in that policy how and why you use cookies; and
-include a link so users can obtain further information on deleting and controlling cookies.

Your privacy policy should explain, for example, that you use cookies to count visitors to your website using programmes like Google Analytics. Click here to download an overview of the new law.

We can install a special programme which requires your site visitors to consent to cookies. We can also audit an existing, or create a new, Privacy Policy which is compliant with the new legislation. Call us on +31 (0)23 844 4738 for more information.